Over the years, the number of single parents attempting to and successfully adopting children has risen. Even back in the year 2000, around 33% of adoptions from foster care were completed by single parents. However, single parents face unique difficulties raising a child, and in order to be considered as an adoptive parent, it is important that you express how you plan to overcome these obstacles. Below are five things that you should make sure to mention during one of your initial interviews during your home study if you are single and hope to adopt a child.
Proximity of Emergency Caregivers
When an emergency situation arises in a dual-parent household, one of the parents can stay with the child while the other handles the emergency. However, when an emergency arises in your life, you will have to have fast and reliable childcare in order to be free to handle the emergency. During a home study, you should share how you plan to handle emergency situations and what childcare options you will have.
For example, if your parents live down the street from you and have agreed to babysit during emergencies, you should let your case worker know. Alternatively, if you plan to pay for emergency childcare services when necessary, you should show that you have researched the price and services of nearby providers.
Specific Plans for How Your Support Network Will Assist In Raising the Child
While a support network is important for married couples, it is even more important for a single parent. When your case worker asks about your support network, instead of listing the people you depend on, you should inform the case worker of exactly how they plan to help you. This will help show that you have discussed the adoption with those you are close with and you have definitive plans in place to support both you and the child.
Whether You Have Flexibility At Work
Either a large savings or a steady income will influence your ability to adopt. However, while your finances are important, so is the flexibility that your work offers to allow you to take care of your child. For example, will you receive parental leave after the adoption? Will your employer allow you to work flexible hours if your child is sick? Extra flexibility at work will help you show that you are able to adapt your life to care for a child.
Plans for Childcare
As a single parent, you will likely need at least some childcare for your adopted child. By conducting a few interviews for a nanny or confirming with a relative that they will provide childcare, you can show that you have thought out this problem and that you have concrete plans for childcare. If you plan to utilize group daycare while adopting a child with special needs, you may want to find out which childcare centers in your area support children with special needs and to what degree, as this can limit your options for which child to adopt.
Diversity that You Plan to Expose Your Child To
Although the idea that a child needs both a mother and father or that single males cannot provide an adequate home to a child are fading, there are still some lingering obstacles for singles who want to adopt. To put the case worker and birth parents at ease, you may want to try to include information about the diversity that you plan to expose your child to. This may include gender diversity among your support network and racial or cultural diversity in your neighborhood, especially if you want to adopt a child who is a different race than you are.
As a single person looking to adopt, you should be prepared to address these five issues thoroughly during your home study. By bringing them up yourself during one of your initial interviews, you can show you are proactive and prepared for your adoption.
For more information and options, talk with an adoption agency, such as A Child's Dream, directly.